Whether you are visiting some friends, running some errands or road-tripping, you might find yourself driving through a dangerous neighborhood. Every city in the world has its own dangerous areas and you should be aware of not only where they are but what to do in case you drive into one. That is why it is important to always have your vehicle in top working conditions (tires, engine, windows, gas, etc.), and if possible, with a tire protection system like Run Flat Inserts or Run Fat Tires, in the event you must drive through a dangerous area.
How can I identify potentially dangerous neighborhoods?
The following are common signs found in dangerous neighborhoods:
- Graffiti covering entire blocks.
- Broken windows.
- Random garbage.
- Many abandon houses and buildings.
- Bars on doors and windows.
- Fences around entire properties.
- Many homeless people.
- Local businesses like adult shops, pawn shops, check-cashing stores, etc.

Get to know your city
There are websites with crime maps and statistics that will help you identify where those unsafe spots around your city are. For example, www.crimemapping.com and www.spotcrime.com.
9 tips on how to drive Through Dangerous Neighborhoods
- Plan your route to try to avoid travelling through an unsafe area. This must be done before you start your trip, remember that your GPS will not discriminate between a safe or a dangerous neighborhood.
- Have your car prepared and ready all the time. Make sure of the following:
- The car has enough gas.
- The battery is charged and working properly.
- The tires have good condition and the recommended PSI.
- The A/C is fully working.
- Doors locked, remember that most modern vehicles unlock the doors automatically when parked.
- Windows rolled up.
- Protect your tires with Run Flat Inserts or get run flat tires to prevent any tire change due to a flat or blowout. In those moments are where you are more exposed to criminals.
- Blend in, do not stick out. Turn the radio off and do not use your phone while driving.
Try to always drive during daylight, it is safer even in dangerous neighborhoods.
Hide your valuables inside your car’s compartments.
If legally possible, bring a firearm or other type of weapon with you. Use it if necessary.
- When stopping at a light or stop sign, always keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you to allow you space to maneuver and drive away.
- Don't stop driving, that means not asking for directions, or to have a snack. Look for a way back to the highway or main road as soon as possible. Remember, installing Run Flat Inserts in your wheels might save your life in case you face a flat tire or a blowout in a dangerous neighborhood. It will allow you get out of the unsafe area and keep driving until reaching a safe location. Our Run Flat Inserts, Flats Over, are the best rubber-made Run Flat Inserts in the market.
The Flats Over Protection System can be visualized as “mini solid spare tires” that are installed in the wheels of a vehicle and are ready to use when encountering any problem dealing with tire pressure and structure.
Run flat inserts provide extended mobility when facing any tire problem including valve failure, horizontal or vertical perforations, explosion, partial or total loss of the tire’s tread and sidewalls.
If you want to know more about our Run Flat Inserts, Flats Over, click here for more info.
What to do in case you face a carjacking or are stopped by criminals in a dangerous neighborhood
These are the opportunities carjackers always look for:
- Empty parking lots.
- Traffic lights and signs intersections.
- ATMs (Automated teller Machines).
- Residential driveways while drivers get on/off their vehicles.
- Highway exit and entry ramps when traffic slows down.

If you face a carjacking, these tips might save your life:
- Follow the criminal instructions, comply with the orders. Do not fight back. Most of the time they just want your possessions, and you can replace them later. You cannot replace your life.
- Avoid verbal/physical confrontations.
- If there is a child in the vehicle, voice that to the suspects. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Remember the description of the suspects and if there is another vehicle with them. ⠀